" Monitor where you get your advice from. Neve take financial advice from a homeless man." - FLO I know that quote may sound like common sense when you first read it. So lets take it away from the financial world and put it into fitness or life. Would you take life advice from someone who is a failure? Would you take fitness advice from someone who has never worked out a day in their life? I hope you answer NO to both of those questions. Once again these seem like common sense answers,however common sense is not always common. There are many people giving their opinions and advice online. You must monitor who the advice is coming from. I have clients all the time tell me what they read online. They tell me all different kinds of websites that they get info from. The old saying holds true; opinions are like a$$holes, everybody has one. So where can you get solid and legit information from? This is a loaded question because things are always changing in health. ...
This Blog is mostly for fitness professionals and clients of personal trainers who want new information on all things fitness. The blog is also for general population people who are curious about fitness and personal developement. We believe you need to train your Mind, Body and Soul.