Do you suffer from "Functional Fixedness" ?
One thing I have noticed more and more is trainers suffering from Functional Fixedness. What this means is that you look a something and only see one function for it. For example you see a preacher curl bench and only think it can be used for curls, but if you use you imagination you realize that the pad is perfect for pushing. You can load a bar on the preacher curl bench and push the bench like a prowler sled. (FYI, doing this exercise is one of the reason I got fired from a corporate gym)
Thinking outside the box is something that many people talk about but not many people do. As trainers we tend to go to workshops and learn a few exercises on a piece of equipment. Then we never learn any new exercises with it, so we get bored and move on to the next cool toy. For example most trainers only use kettle bells for swings and Turkish get ups, however there are countless exercises you can use them for if you would just use your imagination.
One piece of advice I can give people is, don't wait for science to tell you what works. Theories are created first and then tested by science. Create an exercise or a form of training and see if it works. I normally test my ideas on myself before I try them with clients. I try to not let research or others opinions limit my creativity. Remember people always try to place their limitations on you. Most people don't see things how they are, they see things how they are ( read that last line out loud. It will sink in).
One thing I have noticed more and more is trainers suffering from Functional Fixedness. What this means is that you look a something and only see one function for it. For example you see a preacher curl bench and only think it can be used for curls, but if you use you imagination you realize that the pad is perfect for pushing. You can load a bar on the preacher curl bench and push the bench like a prowler sled. (FYI, doing this exercise is one of the reason I got fired from a corporate gym)
Thinking outside the box is something that many people talk about but not many people do. As trainers we tend to go to workshops and learn a few exercises on a piece of equipment. Then we never learn any new exercises with it, so we get bored and move on to the next cool toy. For example most trainers only use kettle bells for swings and Turkish get ups, however there are countless exercises you can use them for if you would just use your imagination.
One piece of advice I can give people is, don't wait for science to tell you what works. Theories are created first and then tested by science. Create an exercise or a form of training and see if it works. I normally test my ideas on myself before I try them with clients. I try to not let research or others opinions limit my creativity. Remember people always try to place their limitations on you. Most people don't see things how they are, they see things how they are ( read that last line out loud. It will sink in).
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