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Site vs Vision

Site vs Vision

At the N.E.T. Seminar on saturday I did a speech on goal setting. Part of my speech was talking about site vs vision. I got so much feedback from that part of the speech that I decided to write about it for those that could not attend. 
   One of the quotes I used to talk about this topic is from Myles Monroe. He said, "Your eyes show you what is, your vision shows you what could be".  The reason I always use this quote is because to often we let our present circumstances determine our future outcomes. The example I used in the speech was that I drive a Honda Fit right now, however in my mind it is a Bently. My eyes see the Honda everyday but my vision shows me more. 
Some people call vision their "Minds Eye", I think this is a great name for our vision. It is what keeps us going when we have nothing. I remember not that long ago I walked into an empty store front that use to be an eye glass store. When I walked in my eyes saw and pink rug and some ugly paint. My vision saw a place where  young athletes and wanna be athletes can come and have Fun while getting in great shape for their sports. Fast forward 3 years later and FLO Fitness is on the way to that vision. At the time if I would have let my sight take over, I would have walked out. 
Another quote I used on Saturday was," If what you see is not what you saw then what you see is only temporary.". To me this means no matter what is going on now, it will pass if you have a solid vision.  Bad times don't last always. Our current situation is only a temporary thing. We must keep our focus on where we want to be and eventually we will get there.  It helps every once in awhile to close your eyes and picture yourself where you want to be. If its going to a D1 school for sports, picture yourself on the field playing, picture yourself scoring the game winning point. See all of this happening before it actually happens. Everything is created twice, first in the mind and then the physical form.  We must allow our vision to become reality. 
Once again this blog, just like the others, was random and just some ideas floating in my mind.  What i want people to take away from this is, there are ideas in our mind for a reason. We must learn to embrace them and let them out. No matter where you are NOW, it is only temporary.  We have infinite potential to do anything and we must stop letting our current situation dictate our futures. 



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