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A day with Joe and Dos

Peak Seminar. A day with Joe and Dos

   If I had to sum up today in one word it would be, AWESOME!

    It started out with the FLO family going crazy in the FLOmobile. Jannel was in a super gitty mood, OZ was starving and stood outside of whole foods until they opened and Allison was complaining about her SCM hurting. So it was a crazy mourning to say the least.
   Once we got to Peak it was like a home coming. Over the course of a year or so our family has grown close to many of the peak trainers. It's like Cheers, everyone knows your name.  They have a great staff that we really relate to.  There was also a host of other close friends that were taking the class so I knew it was going to be FUN!
   Dos got things started with his presentation. He is one of the realist presenters I have ever seen. It was a no BS, straight to the point and funny as hell speech. He gave us the ins and outs of how he trains and why it works.  You could tell he had great passion for what he does by his delivery and honesty. 
   Then we had to the Dos workout. It was intense, fun, and practical all wrapped in one. Mike Piercy and I teamed up to kick some a&$.  Dos gave us some great tips and cueing points during the session which I know I will use at FLO. 
  Joe was up next with his talk on modified strong man training. This presentation was jammed full of great information and cool training ideas.  I will definitely be looking over my notes for a few days to get all the info down.  He also made me want to go out a buy some cool toys to train with. I may just need to sneak into Peak and use all the strongman equipment.
   Finally it was time for joe's workout. I had been waiting all day for this because the night before I met up with him, Dos, Denise and others at a bar, and he spoke about how hard the workout was going to be. Let me tell you, he was not kidding. He put us through a series of crazy lifts and exercises. Everyone in the room was huffing and puffing. Even the people who were watching had sweat dripping. 
   My favorite part about the whole event was that everyone cheered each other on. It was a group of trainers who really cared about learning and working together. All egos were checked at the door. It is rare in this industry to have a group that gets along so well and is so willing to share. 
   My other favorite thing was getting some drinks afterwards and having some fun with the crew. I will save that for another blog.



  1. Sounds like an Awesome time!!

    --> Scott Shearer


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