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Thoughts after filming our first DVD

So today we filmed our first DVD with Rich Mejias from Leverage Training. At the start of the day I had a mix of emotions, mostly being a little nervous but also feeling great that after 13 years of training and complaining about weak DVD's I finally was ready to put out some quality stuff. Once we got to leverage to film the feeling of knowing that something special was going to happen began to creep in. I can't explain it but something just felt right.
OZ showed up pumped and ready to go. Then Allison came with Terrel and they were fired up. Alex came with his camera and started shooting photos. Kevin showed up looking like a scruffy director/camera man. Last but not least Mr. Energia (Marc) walked in and it was go time!
At first we stumbled over words and had to get some jitters out. Once things got going it just flowed (no pun intended). It's like Jay-Z once said, "You put the right artist with the right track, and let God in the room". As I sat back and watched it unfold it was surreal. We knocked it out in like 4 hours.
Every once in awhile during the shoot I would sit back and just watch everyone. It was amazing to see everyone there, not for money or fame, but out of love for one another. I have been blessed to be surrounded by some of the greatest people around. We truly love helping each other. We laughed and joked the whole time. It was probably the most fun I had working in my life.
In this business it seems that everyone is looking for the quick buck and trying to exploit others. If we would have asked others to be in our DVD they might have asked us to pay them or give a percentage of what we make. This was not the case. Our family came out with no questions asked a gave it their all. It truly was a magical experience and I couldn't ask for a better group to share it with.
In one of the pictures on Facebook, Rich put a caption that we are the next generation of fitness. I do believe that but I also believe we are unique. We are coming from a place of love rather then profit margins. Les Brown once said, " A career is something you love to do so much that you would do it for free, but you do it so well people pay you for it.". I think that showed today. Even if the DVD never sells a copy, the memories we had from today are priceless. I want to thank everyone who was there. Love you all and look forward to being the future of this industry.



  1. That is a priceless blog with so much meaning & love. I totally agree and the experience cannot even be put into words. We are family and so much more. Could not have asked for a more talented, well put together, creative & positive group of trainers.


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