People know the truth when they hear it. Its always funny to me when someone lies to you and after you find out it was a lie you say to yourself, " I knew something wasn't right". Your probably wondering what made me think about this. Well I just got back from a meeting with the FLO Family, and as I was driving home I thought to myself, what would make people want to meet at 8pm. I remember when I worked for a gym I would be pissed when we had meetings. So what's so different about meetings with FLO?
I thought for awhile about a this topic and could only really come to one conclusion, people know bullshit when they hear it. When you keep things real with people they want to listen. It is really that simple. People can see thru your BS. They know when your selling them or trying to push something that doesn't benefit them. Real recognize real! One of my favorite DMX lines is , "I say what's in my heart and you call it a style." . They know I feel what I say and the second that I don't they will call me out on it.
When our fam meets its for a reason. We don't just have meetings just to have them. We meet when we NEED to. The rest of the time everyone does what they do best. To many business owners babysit their staff way to much. The reason you have others work with you is because you believe in them and trust they are fully capable of doing the job. If you have doubt in their skills, you should let them go. No need for monthly or weekly meets if everyone is operating on the same belief system.
I know I jump around on my blogs, but it's for the same reason my speech is scattered. I feel what I write or say. The purpose of this blog is to tell you that your crew knows if you are not genuine in what you say. Be open and honest with them and they will return the favor. Be fake and they will be fake to you. Where I was raised they would always say, "In order to get respect you must give respect." I live by this principle and I wish that more people would.
I thought for awhile about a this topic and could only really come to one conclusion, people know bullshit when they hear it. When you keep things real with people they want to listen. It is really that simple. People can see thru your BS. They know when your selling them or trying to push something that doesn't benefit them. Real recognize real! One of my favorite DMX lines is , "I say what's in my heart and you call it a style." . They know I feel what I say and the second that I don't they will call me out on it.
When our fam meets its for a reason. We don't just have meetings just to have them. We meet when we NEED to. The rest of the time everyone does what they do best. To many business owners babysit their staff way to much. The reason you have others work with you is because you believe in them and trust they are fully capable of doing the job. If you have doubt in their skills, you should let them go. No need for monthly or weekly meets if everyone is operating on the same belief system.
I know I jump around on my blogs, but it's for the same reason my speech is scattered. I feel what I write or say. The purpose of this blog is to tell you that your crew knows if you are not genuine in what you say. Be open and honest with them and they will return the favor. Be fake and they will be fake to you. Where I was raised they would always say, "In order to get respect you must give respect." I live by this principle and I wish that more people would.
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