After revisiting the topic of the “3 phases of healing”, I couldn’t help but notice the parallels between the way our bodies and minds work. Take, for example, the word “trauma”. In our field, we generally associate this word with something physical, but in Psychology, it has an entirely different meaning; a meaning that pertains to the mind. Trauma is immediately preceded by what we know as the “Inflammatory Response”. I couldn’t help but liken this to dealing with mental trauma. A traumatic event takes place, and we react in an “inflammatory” manner. In both cases, there is a vascular reaction, which leads to an increase in blood flow, heart rate, blood pressure, and can lead to greater damage if not addressed in a timely matter. This will last anywhere from 0 to 6 days, and, if handled properly, will lead us into the next phase. The next phase is known as the “Fibroblastic Repair Phase”. This phase lasts anywhere from 2 days to 6 weeks and is the time in which our bodies attempt to...