the surge of new clients coming in the door because of the New Year I would
like to take this time to help out some of the newer trainers. Here are a few
do’s and don’ts with your new clients.
Don’t kill new clients!! Often time new trainers
feel they have something to prove to a new client. This is a huge mistake. The only thing you are going to do is turn
the person off and make them never want to come back you.
Do start slow and make them feel
comfortable. It’s very scary for a
person to come see you for the first time. Be kind and caring. Make this an experience
that they would want to have again.
Don’t use huge words and make the person feel
dumb. This is not the time to show off and make them feel like everything they
have read is wrong. Don’t talk yourself
out of a new client.
Do listen, listen, and listen some more. Most
people want to be heard. This will make them feel comfortable with you and will
allow them to open up to you. You will
be able to find out what they really want and why they are there if you learn
to listen. When you do talk, make sure
you speak at their level. Save the trainer jargon for Facebook post and
networking events.
Don’t make the exercises super complicated. The
one leg on the BOSU ball with a bodyblade in your hand and kettle bell in the
other is not going to help anyone. If someone has never trained before, a hip
press or push up will be new to their body and fresh for them. It may be boring
and simple to you but it’s new to them.
Do make the workouts simple. Slow
progressions are always the best route to take. You’re better off giving them an
easier workout and have them want more than make it so hard that they forget
everything you do with them.
Don’t make everyone do the SAME workout. I know
it’s tough with a bunch of new people coming in to treat everyone like an
individual but it is a must.
Do make up a workout geared to what the
person needs and wants. There is a fine line between these two. Finding the
balance will come with time and is something that needs to be taught better to
younger trainers.
Don’t be the one and done trainer. It is rude to come and train at a facility
and never hear from the trainer again. I know you may be very busy at this time
of year, but you should never let someone only hear from you once. However, do no harass them. Nobody wants to
have a trainer call them every day and piss them off.
Do follow up with new clients. They may not
have bought training sessions after the first session, but they may be thinking
about it. So be sure to check in and see how they are feeling. Make sure you
leave the lines of communication open so that when they are ready to train, you
will be their first call.
I hope some of these tips will be helpful to you. Be sure to comment to add some Do's and Don'ts to this list.
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