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The 3 phases of healing (Mental and Physical)

After revisiting the topic of the “3 phases of healing”, I couldn’t help but notice the parallels between the way our bodies and minds work. Take, for example, the word “trauma”. In our field, we generally associate this word with something physical, but in Psychology, it has an entirely different meaning; a meaning that pertains to the mind. Trauma is immediately preceded by what we know as the “Inflammatory Response”. I couldn’t help but liken this to dealing with mental trauma. A traumatic event takes place, and we react in an “inflammatory” manner. In both cases, there is a vascular reaction, which leads to an increase in blood flow, heart rate, blood pressure, and can lead to greater damage if not addressed in a timely matter. This will last anywhere from 0 to 6 days, and, if handled properly, will lead us into the next phase.
The next phase is known as the “Fibroblastic Repair Phase”. This phase lasts anywhere from 2 days to 6 weeks and is the time in which our bodies attempt to “clean up” and heal themselves post-injury. Again, the parallels are obvious. After a traumatic experience’s initial shock has subsided, we attempt to recover and move on with our lives. Certain escapes from reality that may have provided an initial analgesic affect (crying, booze, watching television with a pint of Ben & Jerry’s) like the phagocytotic cells in our bodies must again be regulated. The goal, in both cases, is to return to normal function and limit scar (physical or mental) accumulation. Mental scars, like their physical counterparts, are generally devoid or lacking of function, and it is best to avoid the formation of such things if we are to regain normal function.
The final phase is the one I feel most people live within in their daily lives. This phase can last anywhere from a week to several years. The “Maturation/Remodeling Phase” even sounds like something we’d cover in post-traumatic psychology. After experiencing chronic adversity or acute trauma, it is important we take the right steps to “Remodel” our lives to meet and overcome our trials and tribulations.  Wolff’s Law states that the tissue in our bodies will respond accordingly to meet the demands placed upon it. I find this to also reign true in the realms of psychology. As we grow, we slowly are exposed to loss, grief, despair, and real fear. If all the horrors of life were thrust upon us at an early age, our minds (like our bodies) would snap. Over time and gradual exposure, we gain the wisdom, perspective, and other mental tools to deal with the challenges of adulthood.
It is essential to understand that we are creatures with built-in self-repair mechanisms given to us by millions of years of trial and error through evolution. Our minds and bodies work together (though not always harmoniously) to keep us alive. We are taught, if any of the phases of healing are mishandled, the cycle will repeat, and we run the risk of being caught in an endless cycle of pain. This is true for the mind as well. If someone for whom you care is dealing with a mentally traumatic issue, it is our job to act as their rehabilitation specialists. Like with our athletes, some people require a more gentle, caring approach; others need a stern kick in the glutes. Understanding how the phases of injury work on a physical level will help you, as a physical rehabilitation specialist, to best facilitate your athlete’s healing process and potentially save their season/career. Understanding how the healing process transcends into the mental realm could save a relationship, a quality of living, and even a life.

 Food for thought.


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