Do you suffer from “inner
critic syndrome”?
I read about this syndrome in a book
and it struck a chord. I have just finished hosting a Animal Flow workshop over
the weekend, I have a DVD shoot planned for the next weekend, have a seminar
coming up in 25 days and im going to
Costa Rica in a month for 4 days of training.
For most, this would be a full plate and you would think taking some
down time here and there would be ok, but NO.
I still feel like I am not doing enough, I constantly have this inner
voice telling me to keep doing more and more. I’m sure many of you have felt the same way.
My quest for answers led me to Google
“inner critic sydrome” and a number or
articles popped up. There was no specific definition for the term but most
agreed it is a non-stop pattern of negative narriation. We seem to constantly
put ourselves down and feel like what we have done is not good enough. We
rarely sit back and enjoy the fruits of our labor.
Just as I would do with
an assessment of an injury, I watned to find the cause of this problem in me. I discovered a few possible reasons but one
stood out the most. Social Media!! I had seen some studies on the effects of
social media and how it can lead to lonliness. The reason being, because you
see people out having fun while you’re sitting home. I believe the same can be
felt with critizing yourself. You can see others’ success and accomplishments
online and begin to compare it to yourself. You then feel like what your doing
is not enough and start telling yourself you need to do more. In some cases
this is a great thing because it can motivate you to get off your butt, but in
my case its begun to spiral into a case of never feeling satisfied with my
I have become aware of this issue and have taken steps to
deal with it, such as not allowing the use of my phone after certain times and limiting
the amount of time I spend using social media outlets. I belive its important
that we all acknowledge accomplishments when we have done something great.
There is notihng wrong with patting yourself on the back and saying, “good job”.
There is also nothing wrong with enjoying down time to just sit and do nothing.
For many of us it’s hard to live in the moment, but we must remember that the
present is the only time that truely exists. Learn to quiet your mind and just
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