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THE NEW E&E Training Method!!!!!

It appears that with the extreme popularity of Metabolic Training, many trainers have forgot their purpose for training.  Trainers are starting to just throw a bunch of crazy exercises together and calling it Metabolic Training. Sadly, there is no rhyme or reason for the exercise selection, other than to make the people sweat like crazy and fail to finish. Have we forgotten our purpose at trainers? We are suppose to make people feel better about themselves and enjoy happy and healthy lives. They should walk out of the gym feeling great and ready to take on the day. They should not crawl out of the gym  barely able to lift their arms and walking like they just got off a horse.  This is the same thought process that scares people away from exercise and makes them think its to hard for them to stay in shape. People have talked about the economy and how the middle class is gone. There is just rich people and poor people. I feel the same is happening in fitness. The average person is slowly fading. Now its just fit people and fat people.  And mindless training is causing this divide. 

I believe our training should be Efficient and Effective. There should be a purpose for every exercise you do with a client and every exercise should be aimed at reaching the clients goal. If your client is a high school soccer player who wants to be faster, do you really think doing 1,000 squats in a session is a smart idea? Does anyone remember the term Overtraining? When we do not think about what we are doing with exercises, we tend to overtrain people. Many of us are also Overtraining planes of motion. When I write workouts I always ask myself, WHY am i chosing this exercise. If I can not justify the use of it, i dont use it.  Ok, let me back track here and get back to the E&E training. 

Efficient- Achieving maximum productivity with minimum wasted effort or expense. 
I love it when parents walk into a session while im done working with an athlete and they say, "It doesn't look like their working that hard." . The reason it doesn't appear they are working hard is because I like to focus on their mechanics. If they can make their body more efficient, it will be able to work longer and the athlete will be more productive on the field. Wasted energy to me is one of the biggest issue with young athletes now and days. Just watch the Olympic Sprinters if you dont believe me. It looks like they are running effortlessly and its all because they have perfect running mechanics. They are super efficient! 

Effective- Adequate to accomplish a purpose; producing the intended or expected result. 
The definition says it all. Your clients come to you for an expected result. Are your workouts geared towards that result?  Do your exercises have a purpose or do they just look cool? I will be the first to admit that I add fun and many times pointless exercises into my session but only after I have done all my Necessary exercises. There is a long and very in depth reason I do this but the short reason is that it keeps it FUN for my younger clients. 

Am I anti Metabolic Training? HELL NO! I love it and use it all the time. I am however Anti mindless decisions for exercise selection. Put some thought into what you are doing and have a Purpose for every exercise you choose to use during your session. Try and always ask yourself, Am I being Efficient and Effective. If the answer is No, you may need to make some changes.

FYI- Please ignore the title of the blog. It was just used as an eye cather. Hopefully it was effective, ha


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