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REAL Men and REAL Women

REAL Men and REAL Women
(I wrote this about two years ago but I felt it was important to bring it back)
     Before I get into this I know the percentage of people who don’t understand this will be higher than the percentage that do. Take a look at yourself and see what percentage are you.
The other day at my grandmothers 80th birthday celebration a couple of my family members asked me why I am still single. So I thought for awhile and people always seem to ask me that. So I think I have come up with the reason. I am a REAL Man and need a REAL woman to make me settle down. Before I go any further I feel I should define what I feel makes a real man.
     I have been very blessed in my life to have two GREAT Men as male role models for me. First is my grandfather and second is my father. Two of the REALEST Men you will ever meet. The traits I found in them are those that I try to mimic myself. To me a REAL Man is a provider for his family no matter what happens. A REAL Man will make things happen, he doesn’t complain about what was not given to him. A REAL Man will not sit at home and watch TV and complain about not having a job, a REAL Man will go out and find a job or create one. A REAL Man will protect his family and take care of them. He will die before he lets any harm come to the ones he loves. He won’t cheat on his women or stray in search of lust with other women. He is loyal and knows where his home is. He is simple. A REAL Man loves his family but doesn’t need to display it for everyone to see, he is deep and you can tell he loves you by his action. He will never leave his kids or divorce his wife in search of selfish gains. A REAL Man will build a shed, patio, or deck and all he will ask for is a helping hand, peanut butter sandwich and some ice tea. A REAL Man can only be happy once he has found a REAL Woman.
At my grandmothers birthday celebration I realized something. I saw this 5 foot 90 lbs frail women stand up and speak. Her energy was so strong and she demanded attention. Even the little kids who never met her before had no choice but to listen, because her presence was bigger than anyone in the room. Respect was given to her, not because she asked for it, but because something about her demanded it. It was at that moment that I realized how REAL she was.
    I have been SUPER blessed to have 3 REAL Women in my life. My two grandmothers and my amazing mother. In my opinion a REAL Woman is very rare to come by now and days. A REAL Woman is also a provider for her family. She will stop at nothing to make her children and man happy. She is stronger than any man in the world could ever be. Not in the sense of physical strength, but emotional and mental. A REAL woman is Sexy without being slutty . She will stand by her man and support him. She will lift him up when needed and slap him down when he gets to full of himself. She can fight when pushed but also be the most gentle and loving person in the world. A REAL Women doesn’t have to speak to be heard, you can tell by the look in her eyes if she is happy or sad. She can cook for a whole family, clean the house and do laundry all while dancing salsa and smiling. She is beautiful in every sense of the word and gives her all without asking for anything in return. A REAL Woman is the foundation of the family . Her love and affection can not be bought. You must earn her love and respect. A REAL Woman does not have to call her man all the time, she is confident in herself and trust he will not stray. She is not impressed by the material things other men posses. She will believe in you when no one else does. She will do anything for her family no matter how messed up they are. She puts the needs of her family before her own. And until you give her reason not to, she will LOVE unconditionally.
     With all this said, it brings me back to the reason I had this epiphany. I am single because there are so many weak girls out there. No confidence and just shallow. I have only had one girlfriend in my life for a reason. There needs to be a REAL Deep connection for me to be truly happy. REAL recognize REAL and so many people look unfamiliar to me. Don’t be fooled by how I appear. I may smile and joke but I am truly a Deep person and refuse to settle for less than REAL. But to know the real me you must earn it. So I will like to give a shout out to the REAL Men and Women out there.
     This rant is not aimed at anyone and is not meant to offend anyone. If you are not real I’m sure you can change. If you feel offended by this, I really don’t care. If you shoe fits wear it and shut up.



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