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How do you equate success?

I have been attending many seminars and workshops for "personal" training and something has come to my attention. How do you equate your success as a personal trainer? It appears that all these seminars are saying money=success. They preach about boosting revenue and filtering clients thru the door, big group sessions with predetermined workouts and a one size fits all attitude. So where is the "personal" part of all this? Where is the soul, the connection, the passion, the love?
Before I get any deeper into this I must clear some things up. If you are training a group of athletes who all play the same sport or adults with the same level of fitness, group sessions is the best way to go. It is a smart way to make money but it is not the ONLY way to make money. And while we are on the subject, what does money mean to you?
I know this is all over the place but I'm just tired of people getting up in front of us and deminishing what we do to numbers. I don't know about you but I am in the business of empowering people. When my client leaves a session they should feel like they can take on the world. I don't look at my clients and think " ok here is an extra 300 bucks in my pocket". I truly care and want to see them succeed. I judge my success by how many clients play a whole season pain free or by the person with chronic back pain who finally feels relief for once in their life. Success is more then numbers, it's more then how people you can fit in a 1000 square foot place. I personally enjoy my one on one sessions. Building a relationship with my clients keeps me going most days.
As a business owner I know the numbers are important. We need to be paid for our time and effort. I feel there has to be a way to balance both. With technology the way it is we are losing our ability to form and keep personal relationships. Again, I am not saying group training is bad, we do it at FLO and the people have a great time. If you love training groups then stick with it. But don't do it just to get money that apparently = success. Take a look in the mirror and decide what you love to do and why you do it. Make up your own mind and follow your own path, don't get brain washed by self proclaimed "guru's" who say their way is the best way. What works for one person may not work for everyone. I think many in this business need to do some soul searching and find out why they are here. If money is the only reason then keep it real and say so, dont pretend that you have others best interest in mind. If I offended anyone then good, if the shoe fits wear it.



  1. Speaking from a medical standpoint I can guarantee you that a group training environment increases risk and rate of musculoskeletal injuries because of self limiting exercise. The ability to move and handle vector loads is very different between people and the human nature of wanting to push yourself more than the person beside you adds fuel to a dysfunctional fire. I see people every week that are hurt in group training. It's gonna happen, especially dependent on the skillet of the instructor which can vary tremendously. Of course you can do it, but you better be really good at it too. :)

    Speaking as an individual. WORD!


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