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My Burger King Story

No, I did not have Burger King..although I know many of you would pay to see me eat that stuff. That's right.. it's stuff, not food..but anyway..

I was getting gas and while I was sitting in my car waiting, I started to eat some Fage yogurt. Some random guy rolls down his window and says "Are you really eating yogurt and getting gas?" I looked at him as he sticks his hand into his Burger King bag and reaches for a french fry and I replied back, "Are you really eating Burger King french fries and getting gas?"

I think it's funny that eating something that is actually nutritious and beneficial for your body is looked at so differently and almost strange to some people, whereas they are eating processed, junk crap, and it's looked at as natural to them. This comes to show we are lacking the proper knowledge of how to feed ourself something that our body can actually use. The way people eat and treat their own body today is a form of abuse.

-Allison Thibault "Tbo"


  1. i get looked at like i have 3heads by members in the health club I work (yes in a so-called "health club", where people should be receptive to optimal nutrition) when I'm drinking a green smoothie. that goes to show you, bad habits are hard to break, good habits are even harder to teach... j. peace, tbo, keep doin' ur thing.

  2. Yeeaaaah Tebow! You are so right! Our outlook on nutrition is so flawed! Like the whole thing with 'whole wheat bread' being 'healthy' but yet it clearly has gluten in it and gluten is associated with celiac disease. Yet it's considered 'healthy'. People don't care to know if they ate healthy organic food they would feel energized and their quality of life would be substantially improved. We have a looong way to go with nutrition education...

    --> Scott Shearer


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