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Improve your results NOW!

"The only way to improve your results is to increase your level of awareness" - Bob Proctor

I would like to start this off by defining "results". There is no such thing as bad results or good results, there are just results. Our thinking and purpose is what makes them good or bad. For example, I gained 1 pound last week, for me that was a good result for others that would be a bad results. Everything is what you make of it. Our mind and thought process is what determines how we feel about our results.
In the beginning quote it says we must increase our level of awareness in order to increase our results. The best way I can describe this is by using personal examples. When I first started personal training I did what most trainers do, I trained my clients just like I trained myself. I would never stretch them out or do a proper warm up except for walking on the treadmill. This is all I knew. Unfortunately for my clients they were forced to do these workouts which were mostly bodybuilding based. Their results were due to my level of awareness as a trainer. So to me I was doing things right but I was unaware of how wrong I was. Most people are like this in any job. They do what they have learned. This is not bad or good; if you are getting the results you want then there would be no reason to change.
In the world of personal training the funniest thing is that there are trainers who have zero education but great personal skills, and have tons of clients. Then there are those who are super smart but lack personality. For each of these kinds of trainers their results will depend on their awareness of what they lack. In my opinion the only way to increase awareness is to increase education. So for someone who is all brains and no personality I would recommend they go out and purchase books on personality and selling techniques. For those who are all personality and no brains I would recommend they purchase books to training techniques and basic anatomy. Once they become aware of what they are missing they will begin to increase their results. I guess you could say awareness and education go hand and hand.
This concept of increased awareness works in all aspects of life. For example I am trying to learn how to work less hours but increase productivity. There are also things in my personal life that as I get older I am becoming more aware of and I know I need to change them in order to get the results I want. People need to take a step back every now and then and look at their life. If you are not where you want to be in life, not in the kind of relationship you dreamed of being in, or not doing the job you wanted to do, then you must increase your awareness of what you are doing to attract these things and change it NOW! Life is not a test run, you must do the things you need to do now, in order to have the results you want NOW!
I hope this explains the concept of increasing awareness to improve results. If not feel free to email me with any questions.



  1. Well said Chris. Everyone needs to read this

  2. Great post FLO. Glad you let us know about this blog on Facebook. Stop by my blog and say hello too.


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