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Our Training 'FLO'osophy

FLO Fitness Training Philosophy 
The training philosophy at FLO Fitness is simple; “Training you NEED for the results you WANT”. Everyone has fitness goals, but the most real challenge lies in knowing how to achieve them.  Our clientele is predominantly composed of high school athletes looking to excel in their sport and elevate their play to the Division 1 level. We also serve the general population looking to improve their wellness and vitality. Our trainers at FLO fitness assess the movement mechanics for each new client through our functional mechanical assessment. This helps us determine the following about our client: improper movement mechanics stemming from; muscular imbalances, including inflexibility and weaknesses, strength disparities, core instability, balance issues, and more. This is what FLO FITNESS considers the “need” part of their training. Through this assessment we can develop and implement a program based off what the client needs, to set them straight on the road to getting what they want.  We initially dedicate ourselves to developing proper movement efficiency and a sound basis of strength before we challenge the client to any advanced exercises. This ensures for both the client and us at FLO that we have created a solid foundation which will allow them to reach their fitness goals free of injury.  Next is where the ingenuity and creativity begins. We utilize new training tools, implement unfamiliar maneuvers, and challenge the body in all directions to elicit the best gains possible. We emphasize multi-planar training to remove the client from standard up and down, front and back movements. They gain a new awareness to their bodies capabilities, allowing their bodies to function as a cohesive whole. This is the part of the training that keeps people coming back and loving each workout. FLO fitness believes there always has to be a healthy ratio of the “Needs” and the “Wants” in every workout. 



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