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Mental Mobility Part 2

I'd like to begin by thanking everyone for the comments, shares, likes, and questions from Part 1 of Mental Mobility. I believe we are onto something with this concept. I encourage you all to be part of our creative process with this.

Here are our next two definitions of  "Mental Mobility"

The ability to change your mind or belief with new information.
WOW! Talk about timing with this one. I am not a political person by any stretch of the imagination, however, just watching this election shows who among us posses or lack mental mobility. I once heard Eric Thomas say, "Information changes situations." This rings true with our current election as well as the situation with fitness. There is always a new study, research, science, etc that negates or changes what we thought we knew. We must be able to accept this new information and adopt it into our current training system or thought process. We can not be at the forefront of an industry with an ignorant or fixed mindset.
As a child many of us believed in Santa Clause, as we grew older we no longer had that belief. It doesn't mean it was a bad belief for the time, it just means that with our new level of understanding we no longer believe in him. This is an example of mental mobility.
 I am a person who tries to attending as many continuing education courses as I can. Whenever I learn something that goes against what I once thought was right, I adopt the change into my programming and continue to improve on what I do.
Change = Learning = Growth

The ability to accept emotions as they come and use them in a productive manner.
Have you ever been pissed off about something not going your way?  Have you ever been heart broken over a relationship or something you believed in not turning out the way you wanted? I could go on forever asking questions like this. The final question is : WHAT HAVE YOU DONE ABOUT IT?
When bad things happen, do you cry, hide, whine to your friends, post about it on social media, or do you use it as fuel? I have had many situations where things got all messed up, but instead of taking it out on everyone else I used it as a spark to take ACTION.
Energy is just energy. It can be bad or good. It reacts to how you use it. I will give you a perfect example of using it for good. I had a client who go divorced from her husband. She was torn apart from it because he left for a younger woman. She came to the gym and funneled all her anger into her fitness program. She didn't miss a day in the gym. It was her way of taking the bad energy and using it for good. Within two years she met someone new and was the happiest she had been in years. She also learned to forgive her ex and they became friends. Talk about transformation of energy.
We all have this capability, its up to us to exercise it.
Take the bad and turn it into good
Take the I cant's and turn them into I Must
Take the I'm not smart enough and turn them into I Can
Take the Why me's and turn them into Why Not Me.
Take the  Some day I will and turn them into NOW
Take the Mental Stagnation and turn it into MENTAL MOBILITY!


Hope you enjoyed this post. Be sure to like, share, comment, and keep the conversation FLOwing


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