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Pain Should NOT come with age

Pain should not come with age!

     As I was walking down the hallway today a person stopped me to ask me about nagging pain. He has been having hip pain as well as some other issues. So I told the person that the pain may be coming from somewhere else, most likely and weak core and under active glute.  He then ask me a question that caught me off guard, he said, "Do you have any pains anywhere?"  I had to think for a second and finally replied, "Nope". Than he asked how old I was and I said, "30". Than he said, "Oh thats why. Talk to me when you're 38.".
     That comment stuck with me all day. I kept thinking that pain and age should not go hand in hand. I do understand that the body can not perform at the same level as it use to but that does not mean you should be in pain all the time. I believe pain is a signal your body gives you to let you know that you are doing something wrong. If you are doing nothing wrong, you should not be in pain. That is my theory. If the body is not functioning properly than it will let you know by giving you pain. 
     I began to wonder how many people out there share this mentality. I'm older so that is why I feel pain. There will most likely be aches and minor pains that come with age but being in chronic pain all day every day is no way to live a life. I think the problem is most people don't see their daily live style as a cause of pain. Think about all the stress most people put on their backs just by sitting at a computer all day and typing. That can cause pain. Going to gym and lifting crazy heavy weights in the same exact movement pattern day in and day out can cause lots of pains. I don't buy into the whole, no pain no gain. I think we should be tough and there will be "normal' pain when working out but not the kind of pain that keeps you awake at night. Trust me I have been there and it is not fun. 
     The purpose here is to show you that pain should not come about with age. If you are in chronic pain there is probably a reason and you should seek out someone who can help you to get rid of that pain. Don't just pop pills and think that will solve the problem. My good friend Dr. Perry at is the great resource. He has helped clients of mine get out of pain.  Another friend of mine Patrick Lerouge from Evolve Therapeutic Massage is a great person to ask about pain as well ( They both share a passion for finding out the true cause of your pain and getting rid of it. No matter what age you are, you should be able to say you're pain free. 

For more info on pain free methods of training email us at


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