How to Prevent Biceps Tendonitis One of the questions I get from people is, “What injuries do you see all the time?”. My answer is always the same, “It depends what sport you are talking about”. At Westfield High School we have 27 varsity sports and I get to work with every one of them on all three levels (Freshman, J.V., Varsity). It is safe to say that I get exposed to many injuries. One that I see all the time, especially in swimming, is biceps tendonitis. With any injury recognizing the injury is the easiest part. Any coach who has been working with swimming or baseball can tell you the signs and symptoms of biceps tendonitis. What I believe is the most important part is finding the cause of the injury. If you can find the cause you can fix the original problem. Whereas most other people focus on the site of pain, I like to fix t...
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