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A few friendly tips on how to increase your Social Media Presence

Recently a friend asked me how I developed so many followers on my social media accounts. When I say followers I mean people to actively comment a respond to post. There are many people who have thousands of friends and none of them ever comment or respond to post. Therefore they are not really "active followers" or what I call "true followers".  As I pondered the question I came up with a few tips to help people increase their social media following. Here are tips that have worked for me and my hopes is that they can help you out as well. 

  1. Be REAL, Be YOU!  People can sense when someone is being fake, even via the internet. If your post are not true to your character it will not go unnoticed. When people sense you are being real they will develop a connection to you. Once this connection is developed they will look forward to your post, just as a friend looks forward to a phone call or visit.  Also, one day your online friend may meet you in person, so you want to make sure the person they meet in the flesh matches the online person. 
  2. Consistency is KING!  Post on a regular basis. This will help you to develop a name amongst your friends. If you stay consistent people will begin to look for your post. If you post once a week you will be forgotten. Also, keep your style of posting constant. Keep on topics that you know well. If you have no idea about politics there is no need for you to comment on it. For example, my weak point is nutrition so you will never really see me post about food. 
  3. Post when you're  CELEBRATED! The more you post the more you will see a pattern of attention. So if you notice that a post at 7am gets 20 likes and a post at 8am gets 2 likes you know you should post at 7 because that is when your audience is online. I personally have noticed that 7:30am, 5pm, and 9pm seem to be my best times for posting. I get the most responses at those times. I also post at different times but Im sure to try and get some content out around those times. 
  4. Save the DRAMA for your MAMA!  This is more of a personal tip but there are situations in life that should remain personal. The whole social media world does not need to know how much of an A hole your baby daddy is, how much you hate your boss, how much you hate your sister, how every guy/girl is a loser, etc. These things may get you some attention initially but it is the wrong kind of crowd you will draw. Remember misery loves company. There is however a flip side to the drama, if you make if funny or use it as a life lesson for others, it can be powerful and used as a positive thing. So if you post on drama, make sure there is a reason for it other than just verbal vomit. 
  5. Your success is not EVERYONES success! (This is mostly for fitness pros) If you have crazy abs, nice butt, defined chest, sick arms, and an overall amazing body it is great for YOU but it does not empower your clients. If anything you may intimidate more people than you help. Use social media to celebrate your clients success. Post about them and show how well they do. This will make other people want to be part of your culture. Showing everyone how hot you are will get your like and tons of attention but this will not equal more clients walking in your door (unless you are a model and are looking for modeling jobs or body building sponsors ). And if clients do walk in your door its most likely for some superficial dirty reason, rather than for actually fitness coaching. Remember not only are you trying to attract people, you are also trying to turn these people into potential clients. 

Once again, these are some tips that I have found helpful for me. If what you are doing works for you, then keep on doing it.  Social media is king now and if you are not using it you will fall behind the curve. It is important now in any business to have an online presence. Make sure it is a presence that you want people to know about and not something that will hurt you in the long run. 

With all this being said, be sure to follow us at :


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