4 Ways to get out of the Matrix
One of the major stresses with people seems to be their lack of ability to disconnect from the virtual world. Between Facebook, instagram, vine, email, twitter, etc there seems to be no escape. We are 'ON" all the time. There leaves little room for you to be able to live in the moment. I have been dealing with the stress of trying to keep up and have come up with 4 things that have helped me get rid of some of the stress. I figured it would be a good idea to share these tips with you in hopes that it may be able to help you as well. l
- Leave your phone in the car. If you are out to lunch with a good friend, the time should be spent enjoying their company. There should be no need for you to be on your phone while hanging with them. Nothing is worst then being at dinner with a friend and they are on their cell phone texting or checking updates. If the phone is in your pocket or bag you will hear it and be thinking about it. So the best way to avoid this is, out of site out of mind. Leave it in the car. The world will not end in the hour or so you are away from social media. Also, not everyone needs 10 pictures of you and your friend at lunch.
- Leave your phone at home. My friend once asked me when I am happiest. I told her it is at night when I take Roxy for our night walk. I leave my phone in the house and just walk for about 45minutes around my neighborhood. It is my time to unwind and reflect on the day. It is quite time away from all the stresses of the day. This time is important to everyone, we all need to get away for a few minutes a day. Once again, the world will not end in the few minutes it takes to walk the dog.
- Shut down your computer. One of the things I have noticed is that once your computer is shut down you are less likely to turn it on to check email or Facebook. If you just however have the screensaver going you will definitely reach over and move the mouse to google something. So when you are home or wherever and you want to disconnect, just shut it down and walk away.
- Get rid of the t.v. This may be a hard one for people but once you do it, you will see how much extra time you have. I no longer have cable at home and the t. v. is disconnected. During the NBA finals this year I was forced to go out in order to watch the games. I ended up finding a local bar to watch the games and made some new friends by going there. You also don;t realize how many hours you can spend doing nothing but watching show after show. Another bonus is when friends are over your house you end up having better conversations because there is no tv to distract you. I know this sounds crazy but trust me, you will thank me later, ha.
This are just a few tips and I am sure many of you will have other ones. I just felt this blog was necessary to get people to understand that their are two worlds now. The real world and the virtual world. If you are not aware you can lose yourself in the virtual one and forget that life in happening right in front of you. Life is really about human connections and face to face contact.
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