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The Audacity of Success: What is Life All About?

The Audacity of Success: What is Life All About?

In my most humble opinion, the purpose of life is to be audacious.

Because we play too small.  As if fearful of ever becoming truly extraordinary.

I was fortunate to learn this particular creed at a very young age; through a story my grandfather told me nearly every night before falling asleep.

A brief excerpt from my book, “The Audacity of Success” on the purpose of life and how to be audacious…

“He became King because he showed great audacity” 

The familiar twinkle in his bright blue eyes was iridescent and stunning; I watched myself smile widely in their reflection.

“What’s that?” I asked already knowing the answer

“Courage, bravery and the guts to do the things that others would call impossible” he offered back playfully poking at my belly

I laughed with the freedom of childhood innocence and crawled into his outstretched arms.

My grandfather; the epitome of an Irish patriarch and someone who understood the purpose of life.

A tough and sturdy sort; ex-boxer, World War 2 veteran with a fierce, candid and lashing tongue that sat ready to dismantle any who objected to his rule, opinion or oftentimes self-proclaimed righteousness.

But a pudding-like underbelly that cared far more than his grizzled exterior would allow him to show; his softest side reserved exclusively for his grandson.

He died when I was 6, but the 24 months preceding had been the most wonderful and light-hearted of my juvenile years; credited to his nighttime ritual of telling me this legendary saga – The Story of the King.

Rich in the delicious suspense, heroic valour and epic battles so needed to enchant the ear of a little boy; and yet so deeply illuminating and prophetic as this boy grew into manhood.

Believing that the capacity to exhibit boldness and daring were part of his very fabric; injected into his blood while young and still, to this very day, fortified by his grandfather’s spirit. 

A single staging point from which the bulk of his success had been born – 

The unbridled belief that glory is yours to have; provided you stare unafraid into the foreboding eyes of any obstacle you encounter.  Because that is the purpose of life. 

BG (aka Brian Grasso) 


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