In part 1 we talked about a tight pec, overactive subscap,
improper breathing, and weak serratus muscles all causing issues for the
shoulder. In this we will discuss four other reasons that you can have pain in
the inferior angle of the shoulder.
Before we begin I would like to say that these are not the only 8
reasons you can have pain in that area of the shoulder, but to me these are the
most overlooked areas. If you are getting persistent pain anywhere I would
suggest going to see the doctor.
5) Tight Lats. The Lats are a huge muscle group in the
posterior part of the body but what many people fail to realize is that they
attach anteriorly on the humerous. When they are tight they can cause pressure
in the back and can also force the arm to rotate interiorly. This rotation can
cause the shoulder blade to rise up and tip forward. As we discussed in part
one it can cause a seesaw effect with the shoulder blade. The lats are a very
large muscle group and can cause a host of issues if they are not working
6) Whenever there is an issue in the body, you must always
look front/back and across the body. Many of my athletes who have right
shoulder pain will also have some left hip tightness or dysfunction. I know,
some people may be thinking there is no way a hip issue on the left can cause a
shoulder issue on the right. The fact is it does and should always be looked
at. One exercise we do at FLO Fitness is called a Serape Squat (here is the
link to see the exercise
This exercise helps to address this opposite sling issue. The body operates in cross patterns, so
always look across the site of pain because that may be where the main issue
actually is.
7) Weak Core. When one part of the body cannot be stable
another part must do its job for it. The shoulder join is supposed to be a
mobile joint, however because of weakness in other places it is forced to
stabilize. Once it locks itself in place it will cause lots of impingement
issues. There is always talk about the core being weak in the case of lower
back issues, but most people don’t associate the core with the shoulder. I am
not getting into the discussion of what the core is. I just know when an
athlete cannot stabilize their midsections they will lack mobility in the
shoulder. I have seen this issue in many swimmers and baseball players. For athletes in this situation I normally do
some core activation drills and t spine mobility before getting into the
shoulder. You will be surprised how the pain goes away for many of them,
without me even touching the shoulder.
8) YOU! I save this for last because many people are quick
to blame something else for their physical issues. Often times the cause of
your pain can be because of your lifestyle or your emotional stress. I am not
going to get to deep or to far Eastern Med on you, but I will say that many
people suffer emotional pain and it presents itself in your physical body. Your
body can not stop this from happening. You can tell by the way a person walks
and moves if the body is in good harmony or in a bad vibration. The point I
want you to understand is that when assessing pain you must look at the WHOLE
PERSON. They can have a physical pain but it may have an mental, emotional, or
spiritual cause.
As I said earlier, these are not the end all be all for
shoulder pain in the inferior angle but these can be a start. For those who have had pain for years maybe
these areas have been overlooked. I suggest finding a trained professional and
having another look. There should be no reason for people to be in chronic
pain. For more info check us out at, flo_fitness@twitter, flo_fitness@instagram,
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