People say ignorance is bliss, as if this is always a bad thing. Sometimes ignorance is a great thing. There is power in Not Knowing. I know many of you may think this is a crazy concept, but let me explain what I mean.
Lets say you hear crazy rumors about a person before you meet them. Chances are you will have formed an opinion on this person' so that when you finally do meet, you will have your opinion formed before actually getting to know them. It doesn't matter if the rumors were from 10 years ago. They will ruin this persons chance of making a good first impression. However, if you had been ignorant to this persons past, they would be given a fair chance, just like anyone else.
The type of ignorance I'm talking about is the kind that leads to no judgement and no preconceived perception. The kind that allows everyone to receive a fair shake. The kind that does not cloud our opinion of others, but rather, allows us to welcome them with open arms. The kind that allows love to enter without hesitation. The good kind of ignorance.
Here is a true story that happened to me, that I think best describe what I'm talking about:
I was at a nigh club in San Diego dancing with a friend of mine. A group of girls seated by us calls me over to the table. We start chatting and are having a great conversation. We were all laughing and having fun. After about 15 minutes I noticed that people kept walking up to one of the three girls at the table and talking to her. Some even asked to take pictures with her. i began to pay more attention and finally realized that she was a movie star (I will not share her name). After I realized who she was, I began to treat her a little different and it ruined the whole situation. But thats not the point here, ha. The point is, my ignorance allowed her to be herself and speak with me knowing that I wanted nothing in return. My ignorance gave her a fair chance at meeting a cool person, who spoke to her for who she was and not what she did.
I have made it a point recently to protect my ignorance. I no longer listen to gossip about others, I try not to discuss other peoples personalities in a negative way. When someone ask me if i heard about such and such, I say no and that I don't want to hear about it either. I want to enjoy people for who they are in the moment. I want to give everyone a fair chance and allow my intuition to form an opinion of them for myself. They may repeat their past and prove me wrong, but that is none of my spiritual business. My job is to continue on my journey and live in my bliss.
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