The Necessity for
I would like
to tell you a story to begin this blog:
When I first opened FLO, a little
over two years, ago a friend of mine named Allie had given me a plant. The
plant was in a small little vase filled with rocks. There were three stems with
about one leaf growing on each one. At the time I really didn’t think anything
of the plant. I just put it on my desk and would water it when I felt it needed
water. Today, I noticed that the tips of some of the leaves were dying. It occurred
to me that the plant had outgrown the vase it was in. This was so symbolic to
me because FLO Fitness has almost outgrown its current location. The funny part is I never noticed that it had
got any bigger; I just kept watering it and would move it from spot to spot.
Once I removed the plant from the
vase I noticed that the roots had grown and it looked like they had fused
together. This also was symbolic because the family at FLO is like the roots of
the plant. We have all grown with each other and our paths are fused together.
We are all separate people and have separate personal goals but we all share a
common home (vase).
To me it was such a monumental
moment because the plant sort of symbolizes what has been going on at FLO. We
seem to be growing and getting bigger to the point that we may need a bigger
space. I have taken the same approach to FLO that I took with the plant. I just
keep watering it and nurturing it and really haven’t stop to take notice of how
much it has grown. Our blog has over 5,000 views, our YouTube channel has
almost 400 subscribers and over 150,000 views, our Facebook group has over
1,100 members, and our family seems to be growing every day. Soon we will need
to make some changes, which brings me to my last point.
There is a necessity for growth. You are either growing or
your dying. Nothing can stay the same forever. Once you refuse to grow you
become stagnant, stale, outdated, and BOOORING! Imagine if you never decided to
try and walk. You would be the only person crawling around and it would take
you forever to get anywhere. We must maintain the same level of wanting to
grow, that we had as children. It is a vital part of life and a part that many
of us are missing. We need to learn to not settle for the vase (life situation)
we are in. As we grow and evolve as people we must change our surrounding. Once
we change our surrounding to a bigger world it will allow for more growth, and
as I said at the beginning of this blog. Growth is Necessary!
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