Candle in the Sun vs Rose that grows from Concrete
This is such a deep topic that one blog on the subject is not enough, however I will do my best. Let's start by defining what each of these terms mean to me. In my opinion the "Candle in the Sun" is the person who has a lot to begin with. They are shining and making things happen but they never really had to struggle to get there. Jay-Z once said in a song, "Yeah your shining, but the only thing your leaving out/ your a candle in the Sun/ that s&%t don't even out.". To me this means your talking about how good your are doing, you're bragging about your success, but your leaving out the fact that you have always had it. The carpet was laid out for your already. The doors where all open for you, all you had to do was walk thru them.
On the other side of the coin you have the Rose that grew from Concrete. To me, this is the person who had nothing to start with. This is the person who had no resources, no start up money, nobody in their corner and yet somehow they have made a success of themselves. When everyone else thought they would fail, this person comes out on top. The true definition of an Underdog. This is the typical Cinderella story that you hear about all the time.
The questions most people would ask is, who do you trust?, who do believe?, who is better/worse? These are valid questions. To me the bottom line is, it does not matter. All that matters is if the person is using their resources for good (helping others) or bad (self promotion).
Let me backtrack and give a reason for this blog. There are many Fitness Professionals who have opened their own facilities or want to open their own facilities. Some people are blessed to have the money and resources given to them, while others have the scratch and crawl to make it happen. Sometimes those who had to work harder for it are jealous or lack respect for those who had it easy. My purpose of this blog is to point out that it doesn't matter how you got it, its about what you do with it. Is your place helping people achieve their goals or are you only out for your financial gain? Is your place enriching the life of others or just enriching your pockets? We need to stop hating on how others got it or how they made it. whether it was blind luck or hard work, in the end all thats going to matter is why you do what you do.
Candle in the Sun or Rose from Concrete?
To me its all about what you do with the platform you have that matters. Do right by do right and do right will do right by you.
Taking the NEXT STEP!! Im sure we have all reached a point in our lives where we know its time to take that next step, next level, begin the next chapter in our life. It is by far one of the scariest times for all of us. The point where we realize everything we have ever done has led us to THIS! This is our moment to shine and like Eminem says, " You only get one shot, do not miss your chance blow. Opportunity comes once in a life.". The one scary thing is, you know after THIS moment, nothing will ever be the same. Once you cross THIS line, you can not go back. THIS is it and the pressure is on. They say, "Pressure bust pipes, but It can also make diamonds.", only you can decide what it does to you. We all get to THIS moment, but few rise to the occasion. Few feel the fear and keep walking forward. You can either step into greatness or step back into comfort. Many will choose to step down and let THIS moment pass them by. Once they do that, the rest of t...
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