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Showing posts from March, 2012

Lower Leg Injuries from Turf Cleats vs Turf Shoes

Turf Cleats vs Turf Shoes             Lately, I have been having some issues with high school athletes and deciding whether or not they should use turf cleats or turf shoes. I would like to discuss the pros and cons of each and maybe shed some light on some of the injuries I have been seeing at my high school.             The major difference between the two seems to be stability and traction.   The turf cleats offer better traction but lack stability because they are raised off the ground. The turf shoes offer better stability because they are not raised but you get less traction. Neither shoe is bad nor good; it all depends on the athlete wearing them. What I have found is athletes who lack ankle stability should not be wearing cleats to begin with. They tend to get more ankle injuries. For example, many of our younger athletes are suffering from Severs Disease. S...

Candle in the Sun vs. The Rose that grew from Concrete

Candle in the Sun vs Rose that grows from Concrete  This is such a deep topic that one blog on the subject is not enough, however I will do my best. Let's start by defining what each of these terms mean to me. In my opinion the "Candle in the Sun" is the person who has a lot to begin with. They are shining and making things happen but they never really had to struggle to get there.  Jay-Z once said in a song, "Yeah your shining, but the only thing your leaving out/ your a candle in the Sun/ that s&%t don't even out.". To me this means your talking about how good your are doing, you're bragging about your success, but your leaving out the fact that you have always had it. The carpet was laid out for your already. The doors where all open for you, all you had to do was walk thru them.   On the other side of the coin you have the Rose that grew from Concrete. To me, this is the person who had nothing to start with. This is the person who had...

The Necessity for Growth

The Necessity for Growth I would like to tell you a story to begin this blog:             When I first opened FLO, a little over two years, ago a friend of mine named Allie had given me a plant. The plant was in a small little vase filled with rocks. There were three stems with about one leaf growing on each one. At the time I really didn’t think anything of the plant. I just put it on my desk and would water it when I felt it needed water. Today, I noticed that the tips of some of the leaves were dying. It occurred to me that the plant had outgrown the vase it was in. This was so symbolic to me because FLO Fitness has almost outgrown its current location.   The funny part is I never noticed that it had got any bigger; I just kept watering it and would move it from spot to spot.             Once I removed the...