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Side Streets, Main Roads and Highways

Side Streets, Main Roads and Highways
“There are many different paths on the road to success. It doesn’t matter which one you take, just enjoy the RIDE!”
This blog has been inspired by what I have been seeing in our industry in the last few years. It appears that everyone has their own “new” plan or “program” to help people achieve their goals or results. This is a positive thing, everyone is bringing something different and creative to help others. The only issue I am seeing is that people are saying their plan is “better” than others. This may or may not be true but the point I want to make is that there are many different ways to achieve the same results. Some may take longer for certain people but if the end result is the same, who really cares? It’s really all about the client achieving what they came to you for. 
I will use weight lose as the main topic to explain my point of view. 
We all operate from our perspective and level of education. Therefore, if you are a new trainer and a client wants to lose weight, your knowledge might be limited right now. You may tell Client A to just do cardio. This is what I will call a “ Side Street”. The client will eventually get the result they want but it will take much longer. The information you gave them is based on what you know NOW. 
A few years of training goes by and you learn some new techniques. Client B comes to you for weight loss and now you recommend cardio and weight training. You are not using a “Main Road”. Client B will get the results they want faster then Client A did. With more education and information you have helped your client and now have more tools in your bag of tricks. 
More time passes and you increase your education. Client C comes to you and wants to lose weight. You now tell Client C that they must do Cardio, Weight Train and meet with a Nutritionist. You are now on the “Highway”. Client C will get results even faster then Client B did. You are now a much more valuable trainer and people would want to work with you more because of the speedy results you get. All your clients got the best service you could provide for them at that moment in time. As you learn and grow you will only get better and be able to provide better service. 
I hope you see what I am talking about now. There are many different ways to get results you want, however it is important that the trainers who are using the “Highway”  not forget that they once used the “Side Street”. As a community we must help each other to improve what we do. Nothing upsets me more than a veteran trainer making fun of a younger trainer. You were once in the same place as they are. Nobody comes into any industry knowing it all. We must educate and mentor “Side Street” trainers, so that they can utilize the same “Highways” as the veteran trainers. One industry with one mission, help clients achieve whatever goal they are after. 

Here is the video link for this blog.


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