“People not giving you your props? Worry NOT!......Mediocrity will never congratulate excellence.”
-Dr. Murdock
I got this quote from Rev Run on twitter and it inspired me to write this blog.
It appears to be a common trend when anyone begins to achieve a certain level of success that people are going to hate on you. One of the prime examples now is Tim Tebow. Love him or hate him the man knows how to inspire a team to win. However, now that he has achieved success everyone wants to bash him and talk smack. First everyone said he would never make it in the NFL, and then they said he would never win. Now that he has proved everyone wrong, they still want to bash him. Why not except his excellence. Give him his props.
Why is everyone so quick to pick out our faults? They are so quick to tell you when you are wrong but say nothing when you are right. Is it because they are jealous that they don’t have the courage to do what you do? Is it something they see in you that they wish they had in themselves? Do you represent a part of them that they can’t tap into? I don’t know the answers to these questions, but I can speak from personal experience. The people I have been jealous of all had or have something that I wish I had. I have recognized this and have learned to except the feeling of jealousy and dismiss it. I find what it is that I don’t like in a person and most times it is a part of me that I see in them, that I either don’t want anymore or wish I had. Drake said it best when he said, “Jealous is just love and hate at the same time.”.
There is always going to be critics or those who say you can’t do something. They see limitations where you may see opportunity. They may never give you the props you deserve. All of this is none of you spiritual business. You must continue on your path and ignore the comments. If it feels right, DO “IT”, whatever “IT” may be. They may never congratulate your excellence and that’s ok. You shouldn’t be doing, “IT” for the recognition anyway. Do “IT” because “IT” is what you do. Don’t ask for permission asks for forgiveness.
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