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Showing posts from January, 2012

Lead with Integrity. Part 5 of 10.

All essentials are taken from the book: Leading with Passion by John Murrphy. Essential # 5 Leading with Integrity        When I see the word Integrity I can't help but think Integrate. This may be because I feel integrity is the integration of your inner soul and your outer action. When someone has integrity there is no difference from what they say and what they do. They live and breath their beliefs. People with integrity walk their talk.        Unfortunately we live in a world that is lacking in this department. Many have learned the "right" thing to say to people in order to get them to believe in them. Many times it is for the pursuit of profit. How many times have you seen an infomercial that sells a product that will change your life? The speaker says all these great things and talks with such conviction. Then next thing you know that same person is busted for doing drugs and arrested for lord knows what. Many of our politicians fall...

Why most people are in bad Shape

How many Squares are in your Circle? Most people don't realize how the people around them really effect their life. At any given time you are the sum of the people you are around. This is extremely important to keep in mind. You can not achieve great levels of success if you have to many squares in your circle. Let me define who I consider squares first.  A square is an unproductive friend, an unhealthy relationship, negative coworker, etc. Squares are people who want to drag you down or talk you out of trying to achieve more. Some people like to call them haters. Their job is to hate. This is why you need to keep a close circle of like minded people. The people in your circle should help you progress in life and challenge you to be a better person. Your circle should consist of family, role models, mentors, productive friends, etc. These are the people who make you a better person just by being around them. You know who they are because when you are around them you feel great ...

Leading with Attention: Part 4 of 10

All essentials are taken from the book: Leading with Passion by John Murrphy. Essential #4 Leading with Attention This to me is the hardest part of business. This is ALL the details of the business. This is the numbers, profit, income statement, etc. This is where most business owners FAIL. I personally have hired a business coach to get me on track with this part of my business. Many people open a business because they have a passion for something. They do it out of love, but this does not always conquer all. If you want to lead people they must have a path to follow. If the path is just filled with love and passion they may not be able to follow. You need to give them some kind of detailed direction on where to go and which steps to take to get there. I personally have done a poor job in leading my people with details. I have guided with passion and love but have missed the detail boat. Because of this my business has not grown to where it can go. I recognize this and understan...

Leading with Heart. Part 3 of 10

All essentials are taken from the book: Leading with Passion by John Murrphy. Essential #3 Leading with Heart          I know growing up in the Bronx people use to always talk about having Heart. If you were ever scared of someone or something, they would say you had no Heart. This is probably the reason inner city kids appear to be tough. I think this  is an important lesson to teach kids. The Wizard of Oz teaches about Heart with the cowardly Lion. He is searching for heart. I to equate Heart with Courage, if you fear something, chances are your heart is not in it. When your Heart is into something you begin to lose fear. Nothing can stop you because you feel in your heart that what you are doing is right. Sometimes others will not be able to understand because they do not feel the same way.  But with heart you will not be scared to go alone because Leading with your Heart Leads to Courage.       ...

Wisdom of Wolves.

An excerpt from Wisdom of Wolves                                             by Twyman Towery  The attitude of the wolf can be summed up simply: it is a constant visualization of success. The collective wisdom of wolves has been progressively programmed into their genetic makeup throughout the centuries. Wolves have mastered the technique of focusing their energies toward the activities that will lead to the accomplishment of their goals. Wolves do not aimlessly run around their intended victims, yipping and yapping. They have a strategic plan and execute it through constant communication. When the moment of truth arrives, each understands his role and understands exactly what the pack expects of him. The wolf does not depend on luck. The cohesion, teamwork and tra...

Leading with Vision: Part 2 of 10

All essentials are taken from the book: Leading with Passion by John Murrphy. Essential #2 Leading with Vision - This is key for getting where you want to go. If its business or life you must have a clear vision of where you want to go. Imagine getting into a car and just driving in any directions, then being mad because you ended up a place you didn't want to be. It would be all your fault for not having a clear vision of where you wanted to be. You can not lead others if you have no idea where you are headed yourself.  A true leader is a leader because they have a clear vision and others know their vision. By sharing in the vision they embody it and become one with it. They call you a leader because you created the vision however once they share the vision, they become leaders themselves. As they say,  a great leader creates other leaders.    - Map out where you want to be. Decided the vision for your life or business. Once you have the destination you can sit back and enj...

Leading with Passion. Part 1 of 10

All essentials are taken from the book: Leading with Passion by John Murrphy. Essential #1 Leading with Purpose - This is an extremely important part of leadership. To me, purpose is the "Why" behind "What" you do. This sounds like a simple question to ask, however it is one of the most difficult things to answer. The "Why" is the feeling and emotion of what you do. Most times it can't be put into words. With that being said, you must still know it to lead with purpose.     When you understand your "Why" of what you do, you will feel it. You begin to be filled with Passion and everyone around you will feel it to. They say, One match can light many candles. When you discover your "Why" you will become that match. The funny part is you won't even know you have become it because you will be so filled with passion that it will seem like your doing nothing.         - Sit down in a quite room and start to write down why you th...

Health Industry Building

“We’re in the same building but we got different views.” -Drake                 What is the goal for any Health Professional? It should be to provide the best care possible for their clients or patients. Therefore everyone in the health profession is in the same building. They are in   the building of getting results for costumers. However, everyone in this building is not on the same floor. They all have different views and opinions on what works best. In this blog I will describe three types of people in this building: Basement People, Balcony People and Elevators.                 Basement people are your rookies, freshman, and inexperienced folks. They are not bad at what they do, they just lack experience and sometimes education. We were all at this point when we started. It is important to note that you can also be a basemen...

“People not giving you your props? Worry NOT!......Mediocrity will never congratulate excellence.”

“People not giving you your props? Worry NOT!......Mediocrity will never congratulate excellence.” -Dr. Murdock I got this quote from Rev Run on twitter and it inspired me to write this blog.                 It appears to be a common trend when anyone begins to achieve a certain level of success that people are going to hate on you. One of the prime examples now is Tim Tebow. Love him or hate him the man knows how to inspire a team to win. However, now that he has achieved success everyone wants to bash him and talk smack. First everyone said he would never make it in the NFL, and then they said he would never win. Now that he has proved everyone wrong, they still want to bash him.   Why not except his excellence. Give him his props.                   Why is everyone so quick to pick out our faults? They are so qu...

Side Streets, Main Roads and Highways

Side Streets, Main Roads and Highways “There are many different paths on the road to success. It doesn’t matter which one you take, just enjoy the RIDE!” -FLO This blog has been inspired by what I have been seeing in our industry in the last few years. It appears that everyone has their own “new” plan or “program” to help people achieve their goals or results. This is a positive thing, everyone is bringing something different and creative to help others. The only issue I am seeing is that people are saying their plan is “better” than others. This may or may not be true but the point I want to make is that there are many different ways to achieve the same results. Some may take longer for certain people but if the end result is the same, who really cares? It’s really all about the client achieving what they came to you for.  I will use weight lose as the main topic to explain my point of view.  We all operate from our perspective and level of education. Therefore, if you are ...