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Showing posts from January, 2017

Say goodbye to the "Bad Guy"

Say goodbye to the “Bad Guy”                 As I was reading “Necessary Endings” by Dr. Henry Cloud I came across a section that jumped out at me. It was about the beauty of Self –Selection.  Before I dive into what that means, let me explain why it’s so important to me and probably many small business owners out there.                 If you are like me you have a hard time firing people.  I actually have a hard time saying goodbye in general.  I am a people person and enjoy having as many people in my life as possible.  However, it is inevitable that as a business owner you will have to end some relationships.  I have always had a fear of being the a$$hole guy who let someone go. So when I discovered the concept of Self-Selection, I was super pumped.       ...

the REAL social media

The REAL Social Media Last night, we had a networking event for theFLOnetwork and during the event I had an eye opening experience. We had a great mixture of younger and older fitness professionals.  I noticed that the older fitness pros felt right at home in a social setting. They were relaxed and chatting with everyone who walked in, but there was something different with the younger professionals. The younger people there looked like kids in a candy store.  It was like a space in their life was finally filled. They were wide eyed and super excited to be chatting with REAL people.  A light bulb went off in my head: this upcoming generation of professionals has really only networked with their cohorts via social media. They read blogs, follow tweets, repost Instagram pics, etc. but they never really get REAL life interaction with people in their industry.  Coming up in the fitness industry, my best friend Denise Loustau taught me the importance of ...

STOP Thinking outside of the BOX

STOP THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX!!                 In “Linchpin” by Seth Godin he talked about thinking along the edges of the box. I’d like to expand on his thought and explain why you shouldn’t think too far out of the box.                 I like to visualize the box as a thought.  It’s a vibrating energy.  If you try to expand it too quickly it will reject the expansion and retract immediately to its original size.   If the thought is so far out of the box, people will reject it and call you crazy (which has happened to me plenty of times).                 Let’s say you decided to just walk along the edges of the box.  You can now lay a foundation for a new thought just outside of the existing thought, slowly expanding the box witho...