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Mental Mobility Part 1

    I have been kicking around this idea of "Mental Mobility" for awhile in my head. I decided to blog about it to see what the feedback would be. In this blog I will share two of the six concepts of  "Mental Mobility". Please comment and share so we can create a more solid definition.

-Mental Mobility is the ability to forward think without loss of enthusiasm.

    People are so fast to knock any idea that is new or unfamiliar to them. They tend to bash ideas before the person can get to nurture it to help it grow. It's my belief that a person who possess mental mobility will be able to continue to pursue their idea even after having it crushed or bashed by someone else. They must understand that the idea/dream was given to them to have, and that is why other people can not understand. Our visions are for our eyes only. Once we build them up and make them tangible, that is when others will begin to understand.

-Mental Mobility is the ability to adapt and thrive in multiple situations.

    Have you ever gone out with a friend from work for the first time and realize that they have NO social skills outside of their job?  Being in the fitness industry for a long time I have met tons of people. Some have been really cool and fun to hang with and some have been socially awkward. If they aren't talking about fitness they have no idea how to communicate. This is something that could kill any future business opportunities.  People will do business with people they like and trust. This requires you to be able to thrive in multiple environments. A person with mental mobility can talk the talk in the boardroom, walk out and have a great convo with the maintenance guys, then get a phone call from their kids and speak the language of an 8 year old. All within a few seconds. You must be able to adapt to the situation and environment. This is what helps you to reach a larger audience and increase your network.

Stay tuned for part 2......................


  1. Good stuff here Chris. I am in favor of the latter. To be able to adapt in any situation with your language ia key. Not only is it imperative but it allows you to expand your horizon. It's funny reading this because just a week ago till now I began learning to speak French to communicate more with the Europeans as well. But to add more on top of it being social out of our work mode is just if not more important


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