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Stages of Learning and Performance Changes Through Motor Skill Acquisition

I know you missed me so much, so I decided it was time for a second blog post. My last post was fairly general and was focused on motor abilities and motor skills.

The goal of this post is to inform you all on the stages of learning that a person progresses through as they acquire motor skills, as well as some of the performance changes that occur across the stages of learning. 

Lets start by taking a look at a prominent model of learning that was proposed by Fitts and Posner (1967), and some of the implications for the practitioner. According to this model, there are three stages of learning:

1.    Cognitive Stage

·      In this first stage of learning, the learner focuses on cognitively oriented problems that are related to “how to” do the task at hand.
There are a lot of attention demands that are being placed on the learner in this stage. The learner may not be able to focus on every aspect of the movement.
To help the learner focus on the most important aspects of the movement/skill, it can be helpful to give clear instructions, demonstrations, and verbal cues.

·      In this stage, the learner makes a lot of errors and the errors that are made are large.
This inevitably means that the learner may become frustrated and lose motivation.
It is important to give encouragement and emotional support during this stage of learning.

·      This stage is also characterized by a lack of consistency and high performance variability.
         The learner is going to constantly need to make adjustments.
This means that the learner will likely need frequent feedback to help them understand what they did well and what needs improving after each trial.

2.    Associative Stage

·      In the second stage, the performer tries to associate specific environmental cues with certain aspects of the movement.
The learner is going to be searching for consistent aspects of the environment and the feel of movement that they can use to remember the motor pattern.
It is important to help the learner understand the correct mechanics of the movement as well as to direct their attention to the most important aspects of the environment for the completion of the movement.

·      In this stage, the performance variability decreases and the performer makes less errors.
The performer is becoming more consistent but is still making errors, which can lead to frustration and lack of motivation.
Providing the learner with positive reinforcement and encouragement can help them continue to progress and avoid performance plateaus.

·      In this stage, the performer can begin to detect and identify some of his/her own errors.
The performer can tell if their performance was spot on or if it needs some adjusting, however, they still don’t know what to do to correct their errors.
This is where feedback is extremely important. However, it is important not to give feedback after every trial because this can cause the learner to become dependent on feedback. (I will go into more depth on effective feedback in a future post).

3.    Autonomous Stage

·      In this final stage of learning, the skill become automatic (habitual) and can be done without conscious thought.
The learner has acquired the proper motor pattern and is able to complete the movement with little to no cognitive effort.
This is where feedback can be given very sparingly. The learner may need a reminder or some minor feedback every now and then. At this stage of learning, short and concise verbal cues can be used to help direct focus to important aspects of the movement,

·      The performer is able to detect AND correct his/her errors.
The learner has become increasingly aware of their body throughout the movement and can use intrinsic feedback (information they gather through the use of their senses) to detect and correct their own errors.
At this point in the learning process, it can be helpful to videotape the learner and have them analyze their own movement pattern. This practice can help the learner actively engage in problem solving and further develop their understanding of the movement coordination pattern.

·      Not everyone gets to this stage of learning.
It is important to realize that not all learners get to this stage of learning.
Whether or not a learner reaches this stage of learning depends on:
1. the quality of instruction
2. the amount of deliberate practice
3. the specific movement being learner
4. individual differences

 Now that you understand the stages of learning, lets briefly take a look at the performance changes that occur across the stages of learning. 

         Power Law of Practice
Large amounts of improvement occur early on during practice, but as practice continues, the rate of improvement decreases.

         Movement Coordination
Beginners who are learning new movements often have old/preferred movement patterns that they attempt to apply to new skills/movements. Sometimes its is necessary to go backwards (regression) and teach the basics correctly before a client can move forward (progression).

         Reorganization of the Motor Control System
When a beginner first attempts a new skill, they often use more muscles than are needed and have incorrect timing and activation of the involved muscle groups. As practice continues, the performer learns to use the correct muscles and activate them with proper timing.

         Changes in Energy Costs
As a performer continues to learn a skill, they experience a change in energy costs. As the movement becomes more efficient, the physiological (e.g. metabolic) and mechanical energy needed to produce the movement decreases. Additionally, the rate of perceived exertion (RPE) decreases as well. This means that as learning continues, the performer perceives the movement to be easier and less taxing.

         Visual Selection
Beginners often look at too many things and inappropriate things. As the performer progresses through the learning stages, they will be better able to direct their attention to more important features of the environment and in less time.

         Conscious Attention
As learning continues, the conscious attention required by the performer decreases until the skill becomes automatic.
         Error Detection and Correction Capability
As the learner advances through the learning stages, they will be better able to detect, and eventually correct their own errors.

Hopefully I was able to give you some new knowledge about the learning process (and if not, then you’re on top of your game).

With this knowledge, teachers/coaches/trainers can better understand how to help a client learn a new motor skill and anticipate the changes that they will witness in their client as the learning continues.

 With this knowledge, those of you who are learning new motor skills can identify where you are in the learning process and better understand what types of changes you can expect to occur as your learning continues.

I hope that this post gave you some new insight into the learning process and was at least a tiny bit interesting and just a tad entertaining (maybe…. just a little?). Either way, thank you for sticking with me until the end.

Until next time,

- Joe Rinaldi


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