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Showing posts from November, 2015

Stages of Learning and Performance Changes Through Motor Skill Acquisition

I know you missed me so much, so I decided it was time for a second blog post. My last post was fairly general and was focused on motor abilities and motor skills. The goal of this post is to inform you all on the stages of learning that a person progresses through as they acquire motor skills, as well as some of the performance changes that occur across the stages of learning.   Lets start by taking a look at a prominent model of learning that was proposed by Fitts and Posner (1967) , and some of the implications for the practitioner. According to this model, there are three stages of learning: 1.     Cognitive Stage ·       In this first stage of learning, the learner focuses on cognitively oriented problems that are related to “how to” do the task at hand. There are a lot of attention demands that are being placed on the learner in this stage. The learner may not be able to focus on every aspect of the movement. ...