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How to Prevent Achilles Tendonitis

How to Prevent Achilles Tendonitis 
Achilles Tendinitis is very common overuse injury caused by many factors that we will go over later within this blog. It is very important that we go over the key basic information in order to completely understand the material as you continue to read.  Achilles tendonitis is inflammation or irritation to the achilles tendon located below the calf muscle group; illustrated in the picture below.     
The Achilles tendon is considered to be one of the strongest tendons in the human body. From a biomechanical perspective it assists the foot in plantar flexion (foot pointing away or down from the body), this action is very important as its part of the kinetic chain that assist with walking, running, and jumping. There are four structures that are important to highlight in order to better understand the pathology (how the injury occurs) and treatment (how to aid the injury to heal) of this overuse injury. The Gastrocnemius and the Soleus muscles are the two muscles that make up the calf muscle and are also connected to the Achilles tendon. The achilles tendon is then attached to the calcaneus, which is also known as the heel bone. The direct attachment is called the calcaneal tuberosity one of many landmarks on the heel bone. The last structure is called the plantar fascia, which is also connected to the heel via the calcaneal tubercle extending to the metatarsal bones (balls of the foot). All these structures make up a lever system that helps the body move forward while in motion. Achilles Tendonitis is a common overuse injury that could occur to any athlete within their respectable sport.
There are many ways in which someone could develop achilles tendonitis, but for the sake of this blog we are only going to go over the most common ones.
  •  Fitness Level:
When it comes to fitness level, there are many people or athletes that go on a long period of inactivity after an intense or strenuous period of competition whether it is a long season or just a tough training schedule. If the active person or athlete does not take the proper steps to gradually return to their ideal or top level of performance this can greatly influence the development of tendonitis. There are many variables that can cause this such as tightness, weakness, and improper body mechanics while exercising or performing. Working with a limited time schedule can also influences this overuse injury, as many competitors or fitness warriors try to do when they start a training regiment late and try to play catch up to stay in line with their competition.  
  •  Activity:
The type of activity or training being done can also influence tendonitis. Starting plyometric exercises such as box jumps too early in a training program can easily cause this injury. This usually occurs because a muscle within the body is too weak  (commonly a muscles within the posterior chain) to tolerate or produce the explosive movement required in plyometric type exercises. Therefore, the body develops compensation patterns to make up for the inactivity of the weak muscle. Lets say for the sake of this blog that the gluteal muscles are not functioning correctly while attempting to do a box jump. Due to the inactivity at the gluteus the calf muscle groups would pick up the slack in order to enable the athlete to jump high enough to clear the box. As the athlete jumps onto the box the athlete needs to eccentrically contract the calf muscle group among other muscles in the body in order to continue with the jumping motion. The muscles of the calf are actively contracting while simultaneously lengthening. This produces a lot of ware and tear to the calf muscles and the achilles tendon, but more damage is done if the athlete is not strong enough to do the box jumps. 
  •   Foot type/wear & Training Surface:
Individuals with a rigid or an inflexible foot are predisposed to this condition because gait must be modified to compensate for a valgus (eversion) or varus  (inversion) rearfoot. Improperly fitting footwear may cause friction between the heel counter and the tendon, and shoes with a rigid sole may not permit adequate range of motion in the midfoot and forefoot, altering the biomechanics of the foot, ankle, and leg. Unstable training surface can also influence tendonitis, as the achilles tendon needs to produce double the effort to both assist with stabilization of the ankle and load to do the task at hand.
 These are the three major factors that can cause achilles tendonitis. It is important to note that these issues do not operate alone. They can be caused by many other factors, which were not discussed within this blog. This is part 1 of 3 blogs, the next blog I will feature workouts that can be done 2 to 3 days a week that will help prevent much of what causes of achilles tendonitis. They are not the “end all, be all” but they will help to keep the muscles loose and moving properly.


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