Do you suffer from “inner critic syndrome”? I read about this syndrome in a book and it struck a chord. I have just finished hosting a Animal Flow workshop over the weekend, I have a DVD shoot planned for the next weekend, have a seminar coming up in 25 days and im going to Costa Rica in a month for 4 days of training. For most, this would be a full plate and you would think taking some down time here and there would be ok, but NO. I still feel like I am not doing enough, I constantly have this inner voice telling me to keep doing more and more. I’m sure many of you have felt the same way. My quest for answers led me to Google “inner critic sydrome” and a number or articles popped up. There was no specific definition for the term but most agreed it is a non-stop pattern of negative narriation. We seem...
This Blog is mostly for fitness professionals and clients of personal trainers who want new information on all things fitness. The blog is also for general population people who are curious about fitness and personal developement. We believe you need to train your Mind, Body and Soul.