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Showing posts from November, 2013

Rotational Athletes and why you MUST know about the Serape Effect

The Rotational Athlete  In today’s blog we will be discussing a pattern in the overhead/rotational athlete, called the “Serape Effect”. Gene A. Logan and Wayne C. McKinney introduced the Serape Effect to us in their book, “Kinesiology” a couple centuries ago.  The Serape Effect gets its name from a Mexican garment that is draped loosely over the shoulders and is crossed in front of the body.  The muscles involved in the serape effects are the rhomboids, serratus anterior, external obliques and internal obliques. “The Serape Effect incorporates several major concepts which are vital to the understanding of movement. In ballistic actions such as throwing and kicking, the serape muscles add to the summation of internal forces. They also transfer internal force from a large body segment, the trunk, to relatively smaller body parts, the limbs. For example, the serape effect functions in throwing by summating, adding to, and transferring the internal forces generated ...

Don't get lost in the numbers (Warning for Performance Coaches)

In business, looking at your numbers is a great way to measure success.  Actually, in anything you do tracking your numbers is a way to measure progress. I understand this concept completely. However, I have found that in fitness and performance coaching, people are getting lost in the numbers. They are forgetting what their main job is because they are to busy watching the numbers.  I will give you an example of what I mean.  Example 1: (My biggest pet peeve)  Many "performance coaches" brag about the numbers that they have their athletes lift. There is nothing wrong with this because it is a great measure in how your athlete is increasing in "strength" (I put strength in quotes because it depends on how you define strength).  With that being said, I ask you the following questions.:  What was Micheal Jordan's max squat?  How many burpees could Wayne Gretzky do before he puked?  What is Usain Bolt's 3 rep max on bench?  I c...

So your season is finally over....... Now What?

So your season is finally over....... Now What?  Wait! Your next season starts in 3 weeks, YIKES!!! NO worries, here is a program you can use to get the recovery you need while also retraining your body how to move again. No need to rush back into lifting heavy weights and doing sprints to prepare for your next season. This program was created to regain mobility and stability in your joints. This will help to hopefully prevent many over training issues that many multi sport athletes suffer from. We normally have our athletes do this for the week following their season.  Post Season R & R Recovery and Regeneration Program   *You will need a baseball, Thera Band or elastic tubing, Foam Roller and Rope or stretching strap.     Roll/ Activate/ Stretch Plantar Fascia 1 min Big Toe Stretch 1min   ...