Many High School athletes work hard in the weight room during the off season and pre season but once they get in-season they ditch the weight room and just play their sport. This is a very BIG MISTAKE. All the strength gains they made during the off season need to be maintained or else they will lose all the progress they made. Losing the strength also increases the chance of injury on the field. Strong muscles help to stabilize joints and keep them from getting hurt.
The in-season training in the weight room does not have to be a crazy die hard workout. It MUST be a smart and well thought out program. The program must address key areas of the body that athletes need to stay strong. The program also must not be so hard that it effects the athletes performance on the field. Below we have made a list of tips that can help coaches develop a good in-season lifting program.
Tips to a good in-season lifting program:
- Consistency is key. Have your team lift in the weight room as LEAST 1 time per week, 2 times would be best
- Keep the lifts simple. Have two workout options. For example workout A and workout B. Teach them the workouts at the beginning of the year. This way the sessions can be efficient and you do not have to teach new exercises every time.
- Address major muscles. For example Front Squats, Trap Bar Deadlifts, Reverse Lunges, Pull Ups, Incline Dumbell Presses, Shoulder Press, Cable Chops, etc. Do not make up any crazy exercises. This is just to MAINTAIN the strength they should have built in the off season.
- Do Not Waste Time. Use your time in the weight room wisely. Your lifts should take about 45 to 50 minutes. The easiest way we have found is to set up stations and put your athletes in groups. Have them on a timer and circuit through the stations.
- Do Not Show Off. This is not the time to max out and lift crazy heavy. The weights should be heavy enough to pose a challenge but not heavy enough to cause them to not walk the next day. Keep you rep range between 8-12.
- Plan plan plan. Plan your lifting around your practice and games. If you have a really light week with games you can fit in two weight room sessions. If you have a heavy week with games, be sure to plan for a time to get in the weight room.
- Use the weight room as part of practice. Most coaches view the weight room as a separate world outside of the sport. They feel it takes up practice time. Use it as part of the practice. If you do legs in the weight room, you may want to go light on running in practice.
- The Devil is in the Details. Watch the form your athletes use to lift. Bad form on exercises can lead to injuries. So make sure each rep is performed properly. Form first, weight second.
- Lead by Example. If you don't think the weight room is important, neither will your athletes. You must stress the importance of in-season lifting. Show that you believe in it and they will follow. If you don't believe me, do your research. Studies show a reduction of injuries for athletes who maintain an in-season weight lifting program.
- Have FUN! Make it fun. You can set up competitions, games, give prizes to the hardest workers, etc. High School athletes want to have fun and be successful at sports. This can also be a way to build team bonding. So be creative and find what will make your team love to weight train.
These are just some tips that may help coaches keep their players healthy and on the field. If you would like a sample of an in-season training program you can email us at Reference this blog in the subject and we will send you out a copy for free. Lets keep our youth injury free!
Here is a link that has more info on injury prevention