How to keep employees Part 1 I have had the blessing of being on both sides of coin. I have a business and hire, but I have also worked for many places and have been an employee. Seeing things from both angles has really offered me a unique perspective. This is part 1 of a multi-part blog on how to keep people working for you. Today we will start with one of the most important ways to keep employees working for you. Here is a hint: It has NOTHING to do with money! GROWTH There is an old saying, “If you’re not growing, you’re dying”. If you follow the work of Tony Robbins , this is one of the things he always talks about. We need growth in life in order to feel as though we are achieving. Growth leads to happiness and a happy employee is a good employee. The following are examples of how to stimulate growth. Some I have used and some are experiences of friends. Team education . I have been fortunate in the last few years to hav...
This Blog is mostly for fitness professionals and clients of personal trainers who want new information on all things fitness. The blog is also for general population people who are curious about fitness and personal developement. We believe you need to train your Mind, Body and Soul.