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Showing posts from December, 2016

1% Better

   While reading "Linchpin" by Seth Godin, I stumbled upon a paragraph he had about perfection. In the book he talks about it being a asymptote, in the sense that you can come close to perfect but never really reach it. This is the same concept as that of the road to Mastery. It is a journey not a destination. You continue to strive for it knowing that it will always be out of reach. So why is this blog titled 1%? I have often heard fitness professionals talking about getting 1% better every day. And while this sounds attainable and catchy, is it REALLY possible? I believe it is, but only up to a certain point. I will give you an example by using my personal journey in the world of Movement by learning Animal Flow.  When I first started learning the Animal Flow program I was super excited. It was fun to learn the moves and put them together in a flow of constant movement. I was motivated and saw quick results. You can say I was getting 1% better everyday I p...


It’s said that people are in your life for a Reason, Season or Lifetime. I do believe that, but I would like to expand that saying. I also believe there is a Reason for the Season in your Lifetime. If you look at life as a cycle of seasons, there are times when you are up and enjoying the fruits of your labor. There are also times when you are low and have to plant seed, nurture and wait for your growth. All of these seasons serve a purpose or lesson for you to learn. When hard times come don’t think of them as a curse. Think of it as a passing season and search for the reason within it. Les Brown always says,” Hard times do not come to stay, they come to pass.” We often lose sight of all that we have overcome when we face difficulty. We must always remember what we have already gone through to make it where we are now. We have experienced this season before. Maybe not in the same circumstance but we have had the same feeling about the task ahead. Think of it as being on a rol...