The third time’s a charm right? Hopefully this third blog post about motor control and feedback will be my best yet. As I alluded to in my previous blog on the stages of learning, this blog will be about feedback. I am going to talk about the different types of feedback , as well as how to optimize feedback for better learning . Lets start by looking at the different types of feedback. There are two main categories of feedback: 1. Task Intrinsic Feedback – performance related feedback that is available to the learner directly through their sensory system. An example of this type of feedback would someone who is catching a ball knowing where the ball is because they can see it with their own visual system. 2. Augmented Feedback – performance related feedback that is provided by an external source; it adds to or enhances the task intrinsic feedback. This category is further subdivided: a. Knowledge of Resu...
This Blog is mostly for fitness professionals and clients of personal trainers who want new information on all things fitness. The blog is also for general population people who are curious about fitness and personal developement. We believe you need to train your Mind, Body and Soul.