Are you enjoying the downtime? I remember when I was the assist Athletic Trainer at the high school I'm at now. I was wired all the time and on the days I worked, I would run around like a chicken with its head cut off. I always felt the need to be doing something. There were times when the training room was quite and my boss at the time would sit back and tell me, "Enjoy the downtime because you don't get much of it." . At the time I was 24 and couldn't imagine just sitting and doing nothing, but now I fully understand what she was saying. In this super fast world it is easy to be 100% busy from the second you wake up until you go to bed. Between social media, work, kids, relationships, etc... our lives are jammed back at all times. We all just want a breather every now and then. The irony of this is that when we have the free moment for a breather we automatically pack it with something else to do or we feel guilty for doing nothing with th...
This Blog is mostly for fitness professionals and clients of personal trainers who want new information on all things fitness. The blog is also for general population people who are curious about fitness and personal developement. We believe you need to train your Mind, Body and Soul.