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Showing posts from November, 2012

Labels and limitations

"When you label yourself you limit yourself." -FLO People are always quick to apply a label to another person, I'm not sure why we do this but we all do. We call someone the funny guy, the movement guy, the sandbag guy, the party guy, etc. The list can go on forever. We label friends, family and anyone we come across. Do you ever recall saying, " Hey remember that guy from the party? You know the salsa dancer guy." ? And your friend would say, " Oh yeah, that guy.".  There is both bad and good in labeling people. On the good side it makes it easier to remember people.  To me, the bad side is when we begin to label ourselves. I feel as people we tend to live up to the expectations that other people have of us. This can be good if the expectations are positive, but it can be really bad when the expectations are negative.   In business, labels can be a gift and a curse. For example, if you are labeled the soccer trainer, how can you make money while...